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Stressline Padstone - 440 x 215 x 102mm

Product code: P440215102

£21.46 Incl VAT
£17.88 Excl VAT
  • Product Detail


    Padstones are generally specified by

    engineers and architects to help spread

    heavy point loads across the block or brick



    Stressline padstones are manufactured in

    a variety of sections and lengths with a

    standard concrete strength of 50 N/mm ².

    Other concrete strengths can be achieved

    on application. All rectangular padstones

    may be used in any orientation.


    Stressline padstones are made from wet cast

    concrete in steel pan moulds providing a

    smooth finish.

  • Specifications
    Brand Name Stressline
    Weight 22.80 kg
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